Bahariya Oasis 1

Bahariya Oasis

Location of the Bahariya Oasis Egypt

Bahariya Oasis Egypt Located in the Governorate of Giza, the Bahariya Oasis is the nearest to Cairo, which is around 360 kilometers distant. It is surrounded by mountains and abundant with springs, making it the most accessible oasis in Egypt. This oasis has long been a significant stopover for caravans traveling from northern Africa to Mecca, and it has retained its significance today.

Bahariya Oasis Egypt
the Summit of the Gebel Dist (‘Pyramid Mountain’), Black Volcanic Hills, the Black Desert, from Bahariya Oasis, the Western Desert, Egypt.

Tours to visit the sights

The desert’s allure, as well as its many oases, have made it a popular tourist destination in recent years. Tours to the Black and White Deserts, as well as the southern oasis, are available from the Bahariya Oasis Egypt , with local guides. Bahariya is also well-known as a tourist attraction because of the many hot springs that can be found there. You may go to the English House, the Black Mountains, the Agabat Valley, the Museum of Golden Mummies, and the Crystal Mountain, to name a few destinations.

How to travel to the location

The oasis, which is linked to the capital by an excellent asphalt road, may be accessed simply by bus or by a private minivan equipped with air conditioning.


Al-Wahat al-Bahriyah, the “northern oasis,” is a deep valley about 360 km from Cairo. Before, people from Bahariya would often wait until a caravan came through before going to the Nile Valley, and they took three days to go from the Nile to an oasis.


High, steep slopes surround it. There were a lot of volcanic events in the Cretaceous Period (145 to 65 million years ago), and they made the basalt columns that are still visible today. One of the highest points of all western desert oases lies 128 meters above sea level, and it is almost 1,800 km2. At its longest point, it is 94 km long, and at its widest, it is 42 km wide.


It was once at the bottom of a huge sea. People have been living in the Bahariya area for at least 10,000 years, but there are no human traces that predate the Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt (2055-1770 BC). Oldest: Amenhotep Huy is buried in a tomb from 1550 to 1292 BC and was found in the 18th Dynasty, and this is especially true from the 26th Dynasty to Rome.

Bahariya oasis Egypt did well both culturally and economically. This can be seen in the chapels in Ain el-Muftilla, the tombs in Qarat Qasr Selim and Qarat al-Subi, and the tombs in Qarat al-Subi. People live in the oasis today, and it’s made up of several small villages, each with palm trees and fruit trees around them. The oasis is home to 36,000 people.

Bawiti is the main village in the oasis, and it has a lot of people living there. Many tourists didn’t go to this oasis before 1978 because the road wasn’t paved until then. Still, even though the oasis is only a few kilometers from Cairo, it is the farthest from time.

So far, Bahariya has been giving visitors a chance to go back in time. It has a lot of ancient sites that show how important it was in the past. It is the gateway to many deserts, like the Black Desert, Aqabat, Crystal Mountains, Western Desert, the Djara stalactite cave, and the white chalk rock sculptures of the White Desert.


There are many reasons why people go to the Bahariya Oasis. Most of them go to see the White Desert, which is the area to the northeast of Qasr El Farafri that is known for its beautiful scenery. The chalk-white landscape is full of strange shapes, like boulders of bright white that rise up from the desert floor. The light is clear and bright at noon, and the boulders look even brighter. At sunset, they glow gold, or they are black and shrunken in a cloudy sky.

Many of the formations have names that describe how the harsh desert winds have shaped them into weird shapes that change over time. Each building has its unique name, such as “monoliths,” “ice cream cones,” “tents,” and “cricket,” to name a few. There are also “inselbergs,” tall, conical flat-topped spires.

There were layers of sedimentary rock that were made by marine organisms that lived there when the oceans dried up. The White Desert was a seabed in the past. Deserts were later home to many herds of elephants and giraffes that roamed freely. They would have been full of lush green areas and lakes full of fish, making them ideal hunting grounds for prehistoric men. The landscape we see today was formed when the plateau broke down, leaving complex rock shapes behind while the wind and sand washed away the soft parts. In some places, the chalk surface still looks like wind-blown waves on water.

The white fossils are from the desert the desert
The White Desert, a natural wonder of Egypt, is now a park called the White Desert Park, where 4WD vehicles must follow a set of routes. The Old Desert parts near the road are called the Old Desert, and they can be reached in an average car.

Many people go on overnight camping safaris to see both sunset and sunrise. The new tracks are laid out to show cars where the most famous desert landmarks are. First, there is a field of giant “mushrooms,” then there is a single Acacia tree that has been there for centuries.

sunset on a white desert

‘The White House’ is a group of rocks surrounded by white chalk fields. A narrow cave entrance pokes out of the rock nearby.

Sleeping bags roll out on the sand, and you crawl inside. You lie down next to each other like mummies and see the bright stars moving across the sky. A desert fox can stop by to clean up food scraps, then quickly disappear into the night. Only paw prints and bird tracks will be left behind.

A 4WD or camel can only get to the “New Desert,” where the landscape is even whiter. It looks like a chicken or a hawk, a group of dancers, or an old man with a beard. There are also weird shapes all over the place. The shapes change as the light changes, and you move around them. As the sun starts to set, they turn a soft pink.

A night under the stars in the White Desert is an experience that will stay with you for life. Rock shapes fade away as the sky turns pink and then red and orange. Silence fills the air, and no one moves. There will be a small fire in the middle of the woods. You’ll be eating chicken, rice, and vegetables.


White chalk rock shapes look like ghosts in the dark under a sky full of bright stars, and there is no need for lights. The silence is so big that it feels like you’re walking on the surface of Mars.

The White Desert is a tough place to leave. It is a truly magical thing to do.

It’s called the “white desert” because it’s white.

When you look out, you can see all the mountains spread out in a near straight line on the sky. In the distance, we are approaching the Black Desert, which is a favorite safari spot for local tour groups. There are black stones on the ground right and left of the road. You will have a great time weaving in and out of these hills. A skilled two-wheel driver can do most of it, but there’s a good chance the car will get stuck at some point. Guides are cheap and can tell you things you won’t find on your own.

3-the black desert

This is where the Crystal Mountain is. It’s between the oases Bahariya and Farafra, to the north of the White Desert in Egypt. It is likely that the crystals are Barite (Schwerspat, BaSO4) and Calcite crystals (CaCO3). The hill was opened up during work on the road from Farafra to Bahariya by accident, and some of it was destroyed by fire.


Several years ago, a donkey fell into a hole and found a spectacular Mummy with a gilded coffin. As the excavation continued, the find was kept under wraps, but the world learned about it and called it the Valley of Golden Mummies. It is thought that this site may still have as many as 10,000 Roman artifacts that are still in good condition.

The Golden Museum is a place where you can learn about history.


Mountain of the Ladle and Dist are 50 meters apart in the area around Bir Ghana. Gebel Maghrafa is on top of the plain. Molocene ferruginous butte: Maghrafa is the smaller of the two mountains. It is 600 meters (1920 feet) round at the base and 15 meters (48 feet) tall at the top. Paralititan stromeri (Stromer’s Tidal Giant) is the name of the dinosaur that was recently found again by a team from Penn and the Egyptian Geological Museum. It is named not only because it is near the shores of an ancient sea but also because it is the largest and heaviest dinosaur known. Ernst Stromer, a German scientist, found it in 1914 at the base of Gebel Dist.

His research and specimens were lost during World War II when the Allied bombing of his Munich museum caused it to fall and burn down. Modern scientists found: 16 bones from the giant, some in pieces but one arm bone 169 centimeters long. They think the animal was about 25 meters tall and weighed 50 to 80 tons. It lived about 93-99 million years ago on coastal lowlands near mangrove trees and ate plants. No other dinosaur has been found having fun with mangroves. This isn’t the only thing in the area. A lot of fish and turtles and a lot of vegetation show that the site was subtropical. Turn back to where the desert and garden routes meet. Then turn right on the garden route. As you keep going down the road, the whole plain comes into view on your right. Fields, desert, and long views can be seen behind the mountain. To take photos there is an excellent place to go.
Al-Marun is a lake in Turkey.

No one should go alone to Bir al-Marun because the Afrit (mischievous spirits) have parties at night, and sometimes their drums’ drums can be heard in other towns. Because there may have been an old Islamic village or at least a caravan stop from the time of the Hagg in this area.

People who live in Gebel el Magharafa


Qasr was the city of the oasis in the past.
There are a lot of ancient artifacts buried under Bawiti, which is where the more ancient settlement used to be. Most of the artifacts date back to the 26th Dynasty.

In Bawiti


At Qasr Selim,At Qasr Selim, there are a lot of tombs (26th Dynasty) Ahmed Fakhry, an Egyptian archaeologist, found four graves on the ridge of Qarat Qasr Selim in 1938. He was born in 1905 and died in 1973. There are two magnificent tombs that are open to the public. A wealthy family of merchants owns the two tombs. They belong to Zed Amun and his son Bannentiu. They lived during the reign of Ahmose II, who ruled from 570 to 526 BC. The entrance to the hypostyle burial chamber of Zed-Amun-ef-ankh is at the bottom of a five-meter-deep pit. This is where the door is. It shows scenes of the funeral procession and the Four Sons of Horus, who were killed by the god.

Qasr Selim
Necropolis of Qasr Selim, 26th dynasty tombs, Bahariya Oasis Egypt

In the old texts, Bannentiu was both a priest and prophet, them. In this tomb, you can get to the burial chambers by going down a shaft that is about 6 meters deep. Scenes in the inner burial chamber show a well-preserved picture of the Hall of Osiris and the weighing of the heart of the dead.
Both tombs were used as burial places by the Romans and robbed in recent years. Some mummies, beads, and amulets were taken from the tombs, and some were sold for money. As a good thing, both tombs still show some awe-inspiring decorations, which help us learn more about how people lived in this Oasis in the past, as well.



Black Mountain This mountain is unique because it has a ruin at the top. It’s not hard to climb the mountain, and the view from the top shows the northern part of the oasis. When Captain Williams worked at a lookout post during World War I, he was called “Captain Williams.” The ruins of that lookout post can still be seen on one side of Mount Williams. Williams was sent to Bahariya to watch the Sanusi move their troops. The house, which used to have three rooms and a bath, is now in pieces. That’s the same Captain Claud Williams from the Light Car Patrols that Williams worked for.

9-BIR SIGAM HOT SPRING is in English.

Take a hot bath at Bir Sigam, a hot spring that can help you get rid of rheumatism. The spring is 7 km east of Bahariya on the Cairo road, and it’s the best hot spring in terms of temperature and where it is.


10- is in the valley of AGABAT ( WADI AGABAT)

The Valley of Agabat is in the middle of the white desert. You have to be there to feel the beauty of the place. In the past, it was under the sea. Unique rock formations of limestone, chalk, and maybe sand have been made over time. You’ll find peace and contentment in a particular moment when you stand on a small rock cliff in one of the valleys and look out over one of the valleys with the rock formation. There isn’t a single living thing in the area. Don’t forget about it.

Bahariya Oasis Egypt
The Valley of Agabat, the White Desert,Bahariya Oasis Egypt.

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