In the Egyptian Museum first floor you will find Israel stele or merenptah stele, which is the first record for the Israel in the ancient Egyptian history at 13th century BC, made out of red Granite from Aswan.
What is the importance of Israel stele?
At 1896 Israel stele discovered by Flinders Petrie in Luxor , you can see it now at Egypt Day Tours it’s also called meren ptah stele becase it was at the time of king meren ptah 19 dynasty about 1312 BC, the stele record the victory of king meren ptah against his enemies , and Israel is mentioned among the enemies of Egypt at this time, and this is the first record evidence for Israel in Egypt at the 19th dynasty
Does the Quran mention Israel?
In the Quran Israel story mentioned with prophet moses but there is no mention for the dates of Israel or moses in Egypt
That’s why Israel stele is very important record for that historical period.
Most probably moses born at the time of Ramses the 2nd and Moses get out of Egypt at meren ptah time