The Coloured Canyons

The Coloured Canyons

The Coloured Canyons

The Coloured Canyons of Sinai and Pharoah Island are two of the most beautiful places on Earth.

location :

The Colored Canyon is close to the small oasis of Ain Furtaga, which is about 12 kilometers north of Nuweiba. You can get there by going back up the Wadi Watir, which takes two hours from Sharm el-Sheikh and two hours from Dahab. It has a beautiful setting and environment (one of the most beautiful wadis on the peninsula connecting Nuweiba and Nakhl).

Information About The Coloured Canyons :

The Colored Canyon at Nuweiba is about 12 kilometers north of the small oasis of Ain Furtaga and can be reached by going back up the Wadi Watir. It takes about two hours to drive from Sharm El Sheikh and about the same amount of time from Dahab (one of the most beautiful wadis on the peninsula connecting Nuweiba and Nakhl).

The Colored Canyon is one of Sinai’s most beautiful natural sights, but the only way to get there is on foot. The sandstone used to build this 40-meter-tall fortification comes in a wide range of colors, from straw yellow to a deep red, from dark brown to reddish-brown. The reason for this is that there are magnesium oxides and iron oxides in the air.

As the tides of the Red Sea go out, they have left behind a beautiful rocky canyon. The local rock formations were made by sandstone and limestone being worn away by water over millions of years. Also, minerals have changed over the course of thousands of years. Strong evidence shows that Egypt is one of the places with oxidized rocky minerals that formed millions of years ago.

The 800-meter-long canyon has two palm trees that give visitors a break from the sun. It’s bright and warms up in the canyon.

Tourists can go on trips to The Coloured Canyons from September to May. The Color Canyons program starts in the morning and also goes to other nearby canyons. Visitors can take pictures, go hiking, climb the canyon, and watch the sun go down from one of Nuweiba’s beaches.

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